In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


Final Messenger Prophet Muhammad



Mecca Period

Muslims Find Refuge in Yathrib (Medina)

Women's' Oath - People of Yathrib Submit to Islam:
In this year, twelve men of Yathrib, of whom ten were of the Jewish tribe of Khazraj and the other two of Aws, came to Makkan and took an oath of fidelity to the Prophet at Al-Aqaba, a hill on the north of that city. This oath was called the Women's' Oath, not that any women were present at this time, but because a man was not thereby obliged to take up arms in defense of the Prophet or his religion, it being the same oath that was afterwards exacted of the women. This oath was as follows: "We will not associate anything with Allah (swt); we will not steal nor commit adultery or fornication, nor kill our children (as the pagan Arabs used to do when they apprehended that they would not be able to maintain them), nor forge calumnies; we will obey the Prophet in everything that is reasonable, and we will be faithful to him in well
and sorrow." When they had solemnly engaged to do all this, the Prophet sent one of his disciples, Mus'ab Ibn Umair, home with them to teach them the fundamental doctrines and ceremonies of the religion. Mus'ab, having arrived at Yathrib by the assistance of those who had been formerly converted, gained several new converts, particularly Usaid Ibn Khudair, a chief of man of the city, and Sa'd Ibn Mu'adh, prince of the tribe of Aws. Islam spread so fast that there was a scarce a house that did not have some Muslims in it.

The next year, being the thirteenth of the mission (A.D. 622) Mus'ab returned from Yathrib accompanied by seventy-three men and two women of that city who had adopted Islam, besides others who were as yet unbelievers. On their arrival, these Yathribites immediately sent to the Prophet and invited him to their city. The Prophet was now in great need of such assistance, for his opponents had by this time grown so powerful in Makka that he could not stay there much longer without imminent danger. He therefore accepted their proposal and met them one night by appointment at Al-Aqaba attended by his uncle Al-Abbas, who, though he was not then a convert, wished his nephew well.

Al-Abbas made a speech to those of Yathrib wherein he told them that, as the Prophet Muhammad was obliged to quit his native city and seek shelter elsewhere, and they had offered him their protection, they would do well not to deceive him; and that if they were not firmly resolved to defend and not to betray him, they had better declare their minds and let him provide for his safety in some other manner. Upon their professing their sincerity, the Prophet swore to be faithful to them, on condition that they should worship none but Allah (swt) observe the precepts of Islam, obey the Prophet in all that was right, and protect him against all insults as heartily as they would their wives and families. They then asked him what would
be their return, if they should happen to be killed in the cause of Allah (swt); he answered: "Paradise," whereupon they pledged their faith to him and his cause.

The Hijra - People of Yathrib (Madina) welcome Muslims:

The Prophet then selected twelve men out of their number to act as his delegates. Thus was concluded the second covenant of Al-Aqaba. The Yathribites returned home leaving the Prophet to arrange for the journey to their city. The Prophet directed his followers to seek immediate safety at Yathrib, which they accordingly did. About one hundred families silently disappeared from Makka and proceeded to Yathrib, where they were received with enthusiasm and much hospitality. Finally, all the disciples had gone to Yathrib. The Prophet alone remained at Makka, keeping with him only his young cousin, 'Ali, and his devoted friend Abu Bakr.



Mecca Period



Before Prophethood

First Revelation

Message to Meccans

The First Hijrah

Death of Khadijah and Abu Talib


The Miraj


Muslims Find Refuge in Yathrib (Medina)

Disbelievers Plot to Kill Muhammad (saw)



Medina Period



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